Understanding Locations Setup
ShelterOPs has the capability to be setup for one or more physical locations and/or entities. This may be beneficial if you represent a municipality with more than one precinct and need to track animals within each physical location. Or you are an animal shelter who also provides contracted ACO services and need to separately track animals for each organization. Or you are a single organization with multiple physical locations and need to track financial transactions and other activity separately, while still tracking animals as a single organization.
Create a “client” for your organization (use the ID Type field to add your website if you would like it to be displayed on printed documents). If you have multiple locations, create additional clients to represent each of your locations. This will allow you to optionally limit, track, and inventory products based on location, track transactions based on location, animals by organization location (**See below), etc. These “clients” will also be used if you have actions or transactions that do not require a client, such as merchandise sales, animals dropped off or picked up with no known owner, etc. Once you have defined the “clients” for your organization, visit the Setup screen to enter the Client IDs for your organization.
If you have defined more than one location in Setup, when authenticated users log in they will be asked to select their location. Their selection will be stored in their session.
Users that do not have Setup or Delete permissions will not be able to modify or delete your organizations locations through the Client screen.
Your organization’s client information will be displayed at the top of printed documents. The location displayed on the printed document is determined by the location the user selected at login.
Logos can be displayed at the top of printed documents by uploading your organization’s logo to the /images folder. Logos must match the following naming parameters and be in .png format:
- Before uploading your logo(s), rename the logo so that is begins with “logo_” and includes the client ID you created for that location. Follow this format for each location you defined in Setup.
- If your first organization’s client ID is 14, your logo image should be named “logo_14.png”, etc.
Animal Organization Locations
Organization locations are handled differently in the Animals module versus other modules. When you set Organization in Animal Settings, you are defining the entity or entities with which all animals are associated (also for reporting purposes). This setting is used in Animal Reports, statistics as well as exports (website, PetFinder, etc).
If you are a single organization with multiple physical locations (for example, you have a primary shelter as well as other offsite adoption locations), the animal will be listed under one primary Organization. The animal’s physical location would be defined in the Animal Location field (such as “Main Street Adoption Center”). This ensures that all animals are included in annual reports and exports (website, PetFinder, etc) for a single organization.
If your organization is responsible for maintaining animal records for more than one organization (for example, if your organization provides adoption services, but is also contracted by a municipality to provide animal control services), you would select the appropriate organization to associate with an animal. This allows you to maintain separate reports and statistics (as well as separate exports) for each organization/entity. Additional modifications will need to be applied to the database as well as associated files, etc so that the additional settings for each PetFinder FPT account, etc can be added.