Animal Control Setup
Incident Location Assignment
The primary setting that must be configured is “Incident Assignment”, located under Animal Control >> Settings.
This setting determines whether incidents are assigned to a single location automatically as they are created, or if users should have the option to select the location to which the incident will be assigned (if your ShelterOps installation is configured for multiple locations). For example, if all incidents will always be assigned to your primary location/organization, you would enter the ClientID in the single organization field of Settings. If you have multiple locations, divisions or precincts, you would enter “1” in the multiple field of settings.
Incident Status
You can assign an unlimited number of statuses to incidents. This setting tracks the management of the incident as well as its current status. New status types can be created via Animal Control >> Status Types
Incident Contacts
You can attach an unlimited number of contacts to incidents. This option allows you to track all individuals associated with an incident. New contact types can be created via Animal Control >> Contact Types